Everything on the planet has a vibration. This vibration can vary considerably from very low to very high. If we take a hypothetical scale of 1- 40 with forty being at the high end and one being the lowest end we have a way to measure these vibrations if needed. To measure your own vibration draw round a dinner plate, divide the circle into 40 sections and then number them from one to forty. Take a
dowsing-pendulum dangle it over the centre of your circle and then ask to be shown your own vibration. The pendulum can be influenced by thoughts so try to stay blank while doing it.
Vibrations can fluctuate many times a day depending on factors in the environment and on thoughts and emotions. Negative thoughts and emotions will be at the lower end of the scale whereas happy and positive thoughts and emotions will be around the higher end.
Generally speaking the higher your vibration on a continual basis the healthier and happier you will feel, the more life-force you will have and the less negative "stuff" you will have to clear.