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Orgone for the House

About  Quantohm Orgone

About Quantohm Orgone

We are now selling Quantohm energy products made from entirely natural ingredients and therefore suitable for chemically sensitive people. It replaces all of the previously made resin orgone. Each piece is uniquely individual with patterns and swirls. This range carries a clearing and energising heart energy. It also carries a stillness which allows anyone holding it or placing it near them to connect much more to their inner selves.. It is perfect for EMFs as well as negative energies and leylines. It can be placed where it is needed the most, for eg near computers,modems, cable free phones, electrical boxes, under beds, near plants and much more. Only place outside undercover.

18 x Quantohm Orgone Vortex

18 x Quantohm Orgone Vortex

18 x Quantohm Orgone Vortex set. The Vortex spins energy from its centre and is recommended for places where the energy is particularly "stuck". This is not recommended for carrying in pockets but can be held in the hand for a quick energetic clearing and vibrational boost, Good for placing under computer screens. and in corners or anywhere the energy is particularly out of balance. Approx 7cm diameter at the base and 3cm in depth.

Price: £59.99

6 x Quantohm Orgone Large Cone

6 x Quantohm Orgone Large Cone

6 x Quantum Large Cones. The Quantohm Orgone cone holds a very "still" energetic space. It is 12cm high and 6cm in diameter. Made from entirely natural ingredients which include Shungite and powdered crystals this cone will help clean up your living space by raising the vibration and processing the emfs and negative energies.

Price: £49.99

The Quantohm Orgone  Energy Plate

The Quantohm Orgone Energy Plate

This Quantohm Orgone Energy Plate is for raising the vibration of food and water . It is approx 18.5cms in diameter and 2.5cms in depth. It weighs approx 1kg. Leave food and water on this plate for a minimum of 3 minutes.

Price: £15.99

Orgone Teddy

Orgone Teddy

Choose the colour of your Quantohm Orgone Teddy from the drop down list. Made from completely natural substances this Orgone Teddy weighs around 500g, .measures approx 16cm in length and 13cm in width with a depth of 3cm. It is not a toy. Placed out of reach of children this Orgone Teddy can be used for keeping spaces clear and charging rooms with life-force.

Price: £14.99

6 xQuantohm Sphere

6 xQuantohm Sphere

This is a set of six Spheres.The Quantohm Sphere measures approx 6cm in diameter at its widest and 6cm in height. It is comfortable to hold in the hand and stands on its own with one flat end. The Quantohm Sphere can be placed anywhere around the house and can be easily carried in bags.. They weigh approx 180g. They carry a calming and balancing energy and can be used to clear spaces of negativity and EMFs.

Price: £33.99

Quantohm MaxiCone1

Quantohm MaxiCone1

The Quantohm MaxiCone1 is the smallest of the Maxi Cones. It is intended for larger spaces or spaces that need extra clearing. The Cone measures approx 21cm in height and 12cm in diameter . It weighs approx 1.8kg.at its widest. This is also good for taking in the car when travelling. The picture is an example only of the cone as each one is unique in shades and patterns.

Price: £49.99

Quantohm MaxiCone2

Quantohm MaxiCone2

The Quantohm Maxi Cone2 is intended for larger areas or for smaller areas needing a lot of clearing. This cone would suit anyone with an overload of EMFs, flat dwellers, or those close to towers and masts. The cone is approx 26cms high and 13cm in diameter at the widest point. It weighs 2.5kg approx. The picture shown here is only an example of the cone as colours and patterns vary from cone to cone.

Price: £59.99

Quantohm MaxiCone 3

Quantohm MaxiCone 3

The Quantohm Maxi Cone3 is intended for larger areas or for smaller areas needing a lot of clearing. This cone would suit anyone with an overload of EMFs, flat dwellers, or those close to towers and masts. The cone is approx 38cms high and 16cm in diameter at the widest point. It weighs 3.5kg approx. The picture shown here is only an example of the cone as colours and patterns vary from cone to cone. Comes with a vortex for placing on the top

Price: £75.99

Quantohm Maxi Vortex

Quantohm Maxi Vortex

The new Quantohm Orgone Maxi Vortex weighs in at around 3.5 kg. It is 22cm in diameter and around 9cm in height. This orgone vortex can stand on top of all the maxi cones for extra vibrational clearing but has a very powerful energy by itself. It is shown here with the smaller vortex for comparison.

Price: £55.00